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Percentage of groundwater areas that exceed the standard around Taiwan
Statistics Time :
2024 Q4
Groundwater monitoring frequency is
once every quarter
I want to know about the information of groundwater closest to me
Rankings of groundwater areas that exceed the standard
Statistics Time : 2024 Q4
Taipei Basin - Overview of water quality of the groundwater areas
- Legend
No testing data
No item exceeds the standard
Any one item exceeds the standard
Water monitoring station information
Management Units
EPB, Keelung City
Latitude and longitude
Recent monitoring sample photos
Testing information
Statistics Time :
- Cl(mg/L)
- 21.2
- NH3-N(mg/L)
- 0.21
- NO3_N(mg/L)
- 0.06
- Fe(mg/L)
- 0.053
- Mn(mg/L)
- 0.043
- As(mg/L)
- <0.0003
- Depth(m)
- 0.000
- Water Temp.(℃)
- 24.1
- EC(μmho/cm25℃)
- 494
- pH
- 7.30
- DO(Electrode)(mg/L)
- 0.3
- NULL(mV)
- 25.7
- Hardness(mg/L)
- 199
- TDS(mg/L)
- 272
- SO4(mg/L)
- 30.5
- TOC(mg/L)
- 0.38
- Cd(mg/L)
- <0.001
- Cr(mg/L)
- <0.001
- Cu(mg/L)
- <0.001
- Pb(mg/L)
- <0.003
- Zn(mg/L)
- 0.005
- Hg(mg/L)(mg/L)
- <0.0003
- Ni(mg/L)
- <0.005
- total phenol(mg/L)
- 0.0095
- Fluoride(mg/L)
- 0.22
- Na(mg/L)
- 20.8
- K(mg/L)
- 1.28
- Ca(mg/L)
- 45.0
- Mg(mg/L)
- 17.9
- Total Alkalinity(mg/L)
- 195
* ND means the test value is smaller than the method detection limit.
Station - Historical trend (2021 Q2~2024 Q4)
Drag and drop to zoom, and press Shift to pan.
Station - Trend chart of testing items in the last fiew years (2021 Q2~2024 Q4)