For fish to survive, the dissolved oxygen in the water has to reach 3mg/L or over 4 mg/L. Days of high temperatures lower the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. When the amount is lower than 2 mg/L, fish may die from lack of oxygen.
When covered by large amounts of algae on the surface, the water turns green...
After heavy rain, the water quality might deteriorate. The amount of E. coli...
Water flows from high to low latitudes. When there is a slope, the water moves...
The major reason why the fish in the rivers would die is because of the excessive...
When there are excessive organisms in...
Most of the natural river water is clear, but if there are more algae in the water...
When there are excessive floating plants...
In general, the hardness of the water depends on the amount of minerals in...
Broadly speaking, any water present beneath the Earth's surface is called...
The precipitation from the sky and the infiltration from river runoffs on the...
The formation of groundwater usually takes storage over a long period of time...
Groundwater and surface water can both ...
The qualities of groundwater and surface...
In principle, groundwater is less susceptible to pollution. However, once polluted...
The sources of groundwater pollution...
Based on the functions and purposes...
Once the groundwater is polluted, it...
Address: 83, Zhonghua Rd. Sec. 1, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 100006, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
TEL: 886 - 2 - 23117722 #2399
Visitors:2564076 (from 2020-12-01)
LAST UPDATED:2024-11-07